Thursday 27 November 2014

Experimenting with Light

Some things are see-through, or transparent - that means that light shines through them. 
We gathered some materials - paper, tissue, tinfoil and greaseproof paper to experiment to see what materials are transparent. 
We first made predictions about the materials and then carried out our experiments. 

Here we are trying to trace the picture of the sun through each material to test their transparency...

We discovered that the greaseproof paper and tissue were the best materials for light to shine through...

Friday 21 November 2014

Award for participation

Today we earned a very special certificate for participating in our school's Anti-Bullying week. Here is a picture of some of us accepting our certificate and homework pass on behalf of our class!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

The Number 19

We know so much about numbers in our class! This week we are learning all about the number 19! Today we found lots of different ways of making the number 19!

Anti-Bullying Week

This week is Anti-Bullying Week in our school. Every morning this week we have an assembly with Múinteoir Claire, to learn all about what bullying is and what we can do about it...

Today, we learned that bullying is intentional. It is when a bully hurts someone on purpose. We also learned  that bullying is when a bully hurts someone repetitively, over and over again. 

If we are being bullied we learned that we must:

1. Say no!

2. Get away

3. Tell someone