Tuesday 12 June 2018

Fire Engine Fun

Today we had a very special, surprise visit to our school. The fire engine and firemen from the Galway Fire Station visited us! We learnt all about how to use the hose to put out fires and we even got to climb aboard the fire engine and try on the helmets and gas masks! Lots of us would like to be brave fire fighters when we get older!

Monday 11 June 2018

Picnic Party



We have seen huge changes in the frogs in our classroom! First they were eggs, before they changed into tadpoles. Then, they changed into froglets with tails and they grew legs! Finally, they transformed into frogs! We feed them everyday and watch them as they grow and change! Soon we will release them back into the wild, where they belong!

Creative Kids!

The children in our class are so creative! Look at the brilliant LEGO figures one of the children made! Can you tell who they are?? (Clue: Pokemon!)


We have been busy practicing our hurling skills in Senior Infants with Kevin, our hurling coach!